Sunday, January 3, 2010

Christmas and New Years!

We had such a wonderful Christmas and New Years. There is nothing better than spending time with family. McClain was spoiled rotten for Christmas, but she had such a fun time. Steven and I also had a great Christmas. We also had fun ringing in the New Year with Riley and Libby. We played Family Feud on the Wii and watched movies and had lots of treats. It was fun. I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season, and I wish you all a very Happy New Year!!
McClain with her Cabbage Patch doll.
With her pots and pans for her new kitchen.
Rocking with her Aunt Leslie.
Her new favorite blanky.
Checking out her stocking.
Opening her My Little Pony.
Opening her kitchen.
Her other Cabbage Patch doll.
Her Tinkerbell Doll.
Her Tinkerbell Movie.
Having a 'good time' with sparkling cider.
Ringing in the New Year with Riley and Libby.