Friday, November 14, 2008

Vistit from Grandpa and Jazz game!

This last weekend I had the opportunity to see my Grandpa Dan and Joan. They live in Arizona and we only get to see them about once a year. They always stay at my parents house and we love to go visit when they come. In fact, this was McClain's first time meeting her great-grandpa. My camera was on the fritz though, and of all 5 pictures we took, this turned out to the best one. Terrible, I know. But, it was fun to see them. We love you guys! Also, I had to take this picture of Steven and McClain watching the Jazz game the other night. If she's not a daddy's girl...
Joan, me, Mac, Grandpa Dan and Steven.
Steven and Mac watching the Jazz game.


Finch Fam said...

Hey Brianne Its Janell! I came across your blog on Jennicas. Your little girl is way cute!! If you want to you can email me your email address (cause I am private) to and I will invite you to mine.

Tiffani Warner said...

Hi guys it's blake and tiffani warner. I was helping my sister set her blog up and came across yours. I can't believe how fast Mcclain has grown up. she is adorable! I am trying to get Kami to blog. I think i almost have her convinced.

Lindy said...

Hey Brianne,
Steve and Carl (my husband) would get along sooooo well. Jazz fans all the way! We should go to a game sometime! I think McClain and my kids would have a blast!

Amber Maye said...

Thats fun you got to see your grandma and grandpa! McClain isn't a daddy's girl or anything! I bet steven wasn't loving that at all!

Adrie said...

That is the cutest picture of your husband and little girl, my kids would have never sat down to watch a Bball game!